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Air Force Ancestors

Treehouse Genealogy

As many of you are aware I have a particular passion for Air Force Research. This started when I began to research my Great Uncles service during WW1. I soon made the discovery that he was an Ace who took part in Aerial battles over the Western front & was awarded the D.C.M.

My interest was sparked even further when I discovered that his younger brother had served with Bomber Command during WWII. A Flight Engineer with the Pathfinders he was shot down over Hanover in 1943 & would spend the rest of the war in Prisoner of War Camps.

This research led me to research both my Grandfathers, one served with the Fleet Air Arm Servicing Aircraft & the other served with the RAF in Scotland, Ireland & Sierra Leone.

I finally turned my attention to my father who served with the RAF during the Cold War Period, following his death I realising that he had never claimed his service medal so as a family we did & I wore this on my wedding day as he had not been there to walk me down the aisle.

The research into my own Air Force Relatives made me not only proud of their service but sparked a special interest which saw me assist organisations & museums across Europe to learn more about those who lost their lives or were shot down over enemy territory during both wars.

Getting involved with 102 (Ceylon) Squadron Association, one of the squadrons my Great Uncle served with has been amazing & I have since gone on to become their Archivist. It is so nice to meet people who have the same passion for the service their Ancestors played during the war.

I am also proud to be part of the research team with the Aircrew Remembrance Society an organisation that preserve the stories of those who lost their lives during WWII.

In May 2020, the 75th Anniversary of VE Day I was proud to publish the ‘Barmby Moor War Dead Project’ which told the stories of the 55 men buried at St Catherine’s Churchyard in Barmby Moor, Yorkshire. 54 of these men served with the Air Forces during WWII & came from all over the world.

I think there was a realisation when working on the Barmby Moor project that although many researchers place details of the men & their fate on the internet, many did not dig that deep into who each of these men actually were…. the benefit of being a Professional Genealogist was that I had the tools & know how to do so. There were times I almost cried whilst researching these men, they had so much to live for, excellent prospects, family who loved them & although they would sadly lose their lives their stories almost brought them back to life!

Our Treehouse Genealogy Website runs well, attracts many subscribers, but does focus mainly on Scottish Research & all things Scottish! Fast forward a year & there was a realisation that there was scope to create a dedicated website for Air Force Research. This would be a place to not only promote Air Force Research Services but to Collate project work & provide useful hints & tips on how to research Air Force Ancestors. We will also publish blog articles written by myself & by Guests from a variety of fields talking about their Museums, Project, Books etc. And so the ‘Allied Air Force Research’ Website was born!

Round about the same time I joined forces with Sarah Minney a fellow Genealogist based close to The National Archives & set up a private Facebook group also called ‘Allied Air Force Research’ so that anyone from throughout the world no matter what their interest in Air Force Research could join & discuss their interests.

If you have an interest in this field you can subscribe to our new website for FREE Updates & Articles

Or check out our Private Facebook Group & join in with the chat

Have an Air Force Ancestor & struggle to find out more about their Service? Get in touch to claim your FREE Research Consultation


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