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Treehouse Genealogy

The Kilted Ancestors Theme for April 2022 is ‘Crime’.

As a Professional Genealogist I am afraid to say that there are times that my own Family History Research is rather neglected as I spend so much time researching other peoples.

To date, I have not come across any really serious crimes within the family. Some people might say thankfully, but then is it? As often a scandal in the family can be much more interesting than a bog-standard coal mining family who go about their day to day lives with nothing much to report!

My Grandfather was one of 12 children, 11 boys & 1 girl. All of the boys had accidents in either cars or motorbikes & sadly 2 were killed in accidents. All of these boys were known in the district for ‘ripping up the place’ on their motorbikes so it was no real surprise that I recently found cases relating to 2 of them being charged with motor traffic offences…. there is much to research & I am sure as more of this local newspaper is released on the newspaper archive, I will find much more.

I also found an interesting article relating to my Great Great Grandfather Alexander Mather who owned the Stag Inn in Grangepans, Bo’ness who was charged for watering down the whisky in his pub!

Alex Mather on the Right (Authors Family Collection)

The Aberdeen Weekly Journal of 4th January 1894 reads: -

At Linlithgow Sheriff Court Yesterday – Alex. Mather, Publican, Grangepans, was charged with selling whisky, which, on being analysed, was found to be 30 per cent. Under proof. Mather, pleaded guilty, stating that although below the standard, the whisky was of good quality. By mistake, he had put too much water into it. He was fined £ 2 (the equivalent of about £165 in todays money)

Whilst researching this family I was passed a letter written by a family member almost 100 years ago which stated that Alexanders daughters often went to Paris to shop for the latest fashion, but that their father would not allow them to wear the dresses or hats they had purchased there in sight of his customers for fear that they would think he had too much money….it does make me wonder if some of his wealth came from the watered-down whisky!


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1 Comment

Alexandra Daw
Alexandra Daw
Apr 24, 2022

Your ancestor watered down whiskey and mine watered down milk :) supposedly - although her husband fiercely denied it was anything to do with them but the condition in which they had purchased it. Great post. How frustrating not to be allowed to wear your Paris fashions. Hardly seems worthwhile going to Paris if you can't wear what you get.

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