The Kilted Ancestors Prompt for November was Food & Recipes & the prompt for December was Drinks & Alcohol.
My feeling was that both these topics should be combined as one pretty much goes along with the other.
When I think about Food & Drink in relation to my own family it gives me a sense of nostalgia.
As a child we lived pretty close to the Maternal side of my family & they just loved a family gathering! These would celebrate everyone’s birthdays, Christmas, New Year & would include regular Afternoon Teas.

Afternoon Teas would be produced during our Sunday meet ups or when extended family would visit when my grandmother would provide many of her home bakes including Scones, Pancakes, Perkin Biscuits, Fruit Loaves, cups of tea & lots of other delights. During these gatherings family stories would be shared & any letters received from relatives in Australia or America would be read out for all to hear.
Parties & Celebrations were a bit different & would include either a sit-down meal or a buffet including Sandwiches, Sausage rolls as well as my grandmothers baked delights. The difference with these was that alcohol would be introduced, the men with whisky or beer & the ladies perhaps a sweet sherry. Two of my uncles played the guitar & many of my family were amazing singers which meant there would be singalongs around the fire to Scottish songs.

There would sadly be a decline in these gatherings in the 1990s as my grandmother got older & suffered from Dementia & we as children were starting to move on with our own lives.
Its funny comparing how things were celebrated in my own family in comparison to my husbands, I realise that both were quite different. As I think back, I remember these times fondly & with a sense of nostalgia, but I realise that things change & that we need to make our own memories. Our own celebrations are a bit more of a quiet affair these days, but I do try to introduce some home baking including my Banana Loaf or my Rose & Pistachio Cake.
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