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Genealogy Challenges & Triumphs

Treehouse Genealogy

Updated: Feb 28, 2023

Our Kilted Ancestors Group embraced Scotland’s Year of Stories during 2022 with a range of monthly prompts that encouraged members to discuss stories from their own Scottish Ancestry. During 2022 we also had a range of speakers provide presentations to inspire members along the way…many thanks to everyone who took part!!

Christine Woodcock & myself really enjoyed the themes during 2022 as it gave us the opportunity to create journals & blog about these topics. Blogging about my own family was not something I had ever done before, family stories are important & I soon realised that in jotting things down I could see similarities between the lives of my Ancestors & my own. I was even contacted by a couple of distant cousins who I had never been in contact with before!!!

We decided to continue this trend & have deemed 2023 as the year of Genealogy Challenges & Triumphs. We have all encountered Challenges when dipping into our Family History & although I am sure we have triumphed with some challenges others may still await answers.

Each month we will set a prompt for discussion, during which time you can share your Family History Challenges and/or Triumphs in relation to this topic. Feel free to share images if you wish & who knows you may pick up some tips to help you in solving those mysteries that have been bugging you for years!

The topics each month will be as follows (we will remind you each month)

January – Birth, Marriage & Deaths

February – Census Returns

March – World War 1

April - Correspondence

May - Photographs

June - Journals & Diaries

July - Ephemera

August -Artefacts

September - Places

October - Newspapers

November – World War 2

December – Brick Walls

We will continue with the free Facebook live events, but would also love to hear from any members who have amazing stories in relation to these topics…. get in touch if you would like to share your amazing stories with other members.


Dont miss out on the amazing events and chat and sign up to the Kilted Ancestors Facebook Group now!



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