What’s it about
Jonathan Scott's Family History Web Directory is an information-packed reference guide that distils the best of the internet into one easy-to-use format. Themed sections cover different topics, from 'getting started' to specific occupations & there is an index reproducing all the websites in A-Z order. His handbook is a vital source for less experienced researchers & a handy aide-memoire for more seasoned campaigners. Web addresses are listed by topic, then in order of importance and usefulness. An extraordinary range of sites that will interest family historians is included – from records of births & deaths, tax, crime & religion, to military records & records of work and occupations. Also featured are sites that give information about archives, blogs & forums, social networking & sharing research.

The internet can be an overwhelming place for the genealogist. Jonathan Scott's book provides readers with online shortcuts, tips for getting the best from well-known websites, plus the details of all kinds of lesser-known & hard-to-find sources.
Our Review
Given the format of this book it was not one I could read from cover to cover & review, therefore an in-depth flick through t digest the contents was required.
I was not disappointed!
How many times are you looking for information or a relevant website but struggle to find what you are looking for via an internet search? I know I do! It may be that you are using the wrong keywords or that the site ranks low & therefore does not show in the first few pages of results.
Jonathan’s book covers a wealth of amazing topics & websites & aside from the topics mentioned above has sections covering Coroners’ Inquests, Migration, Jewish Records, Slavery, Sports & Pastimes &various conflicts to name a few. There are in-depth sections on occupations including Engineers, Bankers, Teachers, Textile Workers, Craftsmen & much more. There are also other sections on the likes of Heraldry, House History, Software & Apps. To list out all these sections is almost impossible as there is so much packed in!
I liked how the sections are listed out in topics or locations but that the index provides a more concise list making is easy to find what you are looking for.
This is one of those books you just need to have on hand as you research!
Published in 2021 this book runs to 245 pages
You can purchase copies via the Pen & Sword Website via this link
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